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Beasley Bajeever

  • Year: 1982
  •   kids  
  • Sheet Music: To be transcribed


Beasley Bajeever

By Jan Harmon
words and music © 1982
1. Beasley Bajeever became a believer in phantoms that cackle and groan - when one night uncanny, his dead cousin Manny - demanded a bite of his scone. 2. Beasley said, "Stop! You are still such a fop! It is rude to intrude at din-din - wearing chains and a sheet and without any feet and so blatantly lacking of skin!" 3. Manny said, "Boo! Blug-a-blug! Hoo-de-hoo! I'm a ghost!" and he rattled his chains. Beasley said, "Please - I am eating my peas - and soon I shall spoon up some brains." 4. "Brains?" Manny howled. "That's disgusting and foul." And he quickly departed his host. Which simply explains, if you have any brains, it may cause you to give up the ghost. (Repeat #1)