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Recordings available from Harmon Publishing
So Bravely Dream -
the songs of Jan
Harmon, volume 1: Old Man, Loni, Star Crossed, Los Bibilicos, Scott’s Farewell, Song for a Seafarer, Ma Bell Boogie, Fly Away, Good Wish, Hard Winter, Oak Tree, Suite July, Logger and the Spotted Owl, Summer Solstice, Echo, Thad & Cleona, Covenant, Carolers, The Together Song (by
The Quasimodal Chorus!, P.O.Box 996 Rockport, Maine 04856)
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Available on CD from HarmonPublishing ..
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See So Bravely Dream in reviews.
Physics Pholk Sings - A wonderful CD by David & Ginger Hildebrand.
Music dealing with scientific theories, history, logic, and pure fun! Includes two of Jan's songs, Applesauce and Particles..Quant'em.
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Available on CD from HarmonPublishing ..
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Inca Hoots - In Concert at the Portland Folk Club: The Lobster License Plate Song, Applesauce, This Old Chair, The Quadruple Bypass Blues, Thad and Cleona, Greetings from Mazatlan, Jubal and the Morning Star, Salinas, Love Song, Good Friend, The Together Song

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Audio Samples
Sampler - Kith 'n Kin, Marz Barz, In Case of Nuclear Attack, Designer Genes, Ground Round (or Suite Styrofoam), Suite Spring, The Eagle, Good Wish

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Hail to the Ox -
Rounds: Hail to the Ox, Sam the Clam, The Octopussy, The Eagle, Ze Tze-tze Fly, Mr. Bigmouth, ... Said MacPhee, The Scowling Scarecrow, Peace A-round, Never Crock A Crocodile, Superlatives, Toulouse, Oh Dad!, Boatman, chaNtemawaste

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Hail to the Ox Rounds Book .. a chapter in
Rounds Around

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Audio Samples
Rings and Circles -
Rounds: Lions, Sidney, John Doth Loveth Mary, The Chicago Ka-Zoo, Summer, Rings and Circles, The Whistling Wickiyuppi, The Faithful Furkum, Carmel Knowledge, Lunch for the Leopard, Blue Balloon, Particles .. Quant 'em, I Will Not Say Goodbye, Good Friend

Cassette ..
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Rings and Circles Rounds Book .. a chapter in
Rounds Around

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Audio Samples
Jan sings on other albums
- Weary of the Darning
- Ensemble, by Gordon Bok, 1988 (with Jan Harmon & Paul Schaffner)
Listen on Apple Music
Jan's music recorded by others
- Applesauce
- Bedtime Story
- Bird Seed
- Anne Dodson, Almost Grown, 1995, from Beech Hill Music, Camden, ME
- Carolers
- Clear Horizon
- Libana, Fire Within, 1990, from Ladyslipper Inc., Durham, NC
- Aksara, You are with Me, 2000, from Aksara, Manchester, NH
- Kris Gannon, Songs I Wish I'd Written, 2002, from Talking Fingers, Inc., San Rafael, CA
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, The Longest Night, 2007, from Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, GA
- Covenant
- Doorknob (Be Nice to Your ..)
- Bonnie Phipps, Dinosaur Choir, 1992, from Wimmer-Ferguson Child Products, Inc., Denver, CO
- The Dunkin' of Drunken Duncan
- Jackson Gillman, Downeast Ballads, 1987, from Maine Squeeze Productions, Onset, MA
- Echo
- Jan Maier, Evy Mayer, Murray & Randi Spiegel and Sol Weber, Rounds Galore... and More - Volume 2, 2002, from Astoria Productions, New York, NY
- Quasimodal Chorus, So Bravely Dream, 1995, from Quasimodal Chorus
- Fly Away
- Janet Russell, Bright Shining Morning, 1993, from Harbourtown Records, Cumbria, UK
- Quasimodal Chorus, So Bravely Dream, 1995, from Quasimodal Chorus
- Good Friend
- Libana, Fire Within, 1990, from Ladyslipper Inc., Durham, NC
- Chants for Peace Project, Home to the River of Love, 2005, from Jeanne Mackey, Cleveland, OH
- Good Wish
- Gordon Bok, Ann Mayo Muir, and Ed Trickett, Language of the Heart, 1995, from Timberhead Music, Camden, ME
- Quasimodal Chorus, So Bravely Dream, 1995, from Quasimodal Chorus
- Hard Winter
- In Case of Nuclear Attack
- Martha Sandefer, The Dream is Still Alive, 1985, from Sandy River Music, North Cambridge, MA
- Jungle Song (a.k.a. Deepest Africa)
- Debbi Friedlander, Somewhere in a Corner, 1989, from Sound Creations, Amherst, MA
- Tom Pease, Wobbi-do-Wop!, 1993, from Tomorrow River Music, Madison, WI
- The Chenille Sisters, Teaching Hippopotami to Fly!, 1996, from CanToo Records, Ann Arbor, MI
- Wildlife Waystation, Wild for Wildlife, 1997, from BearClaw Productions
- Hot Soup, Soup Happens, 2000, from Souper Music, Inc., Columbia, MD
- Cindy Harris and Rebecca Heath, Can't Get There From Here, 2006, from Cindy Harris and Rebecca Heath
- Lions
- Anne Dodson, Almost Grown, 1995, from Beech Hill Music, Camden, ME
- The Lobster License Plate Song
- Nick Apollonio, Music of the Maine Coast, 1989, from Soulstice Music, Rockport, ME
- Logger and the Spotted Owl ... a lullaby
- Loni
- Los Bibilicos (the night birds)
- Ma Bell Boogie
- Marz Bars
- Bob Reid, Marz Barz, 2000, from Bob Reid Music, Aptos, CA
- My Friend Sharon
- Jan Maier, Evy Mayer, Murray Spiegel and Sol Weber, Rounds Galore... and More, 1997, from Astoria Productions, New York, NY
- The Short Sisters, Love and Transportation, 2002, from Black Socks Press, Harrisville, NH
- Oak Tree
- Old Man
- Particles .. Quant 'Em
- Rings and Circles
- Scott's Farewell
- Song for a Seafarer
- Janet Russell, Bright Shining Morning, 1993, from Harbourtown Records, Cumbria, UK
- Quasimodal Chorus, So Bravely Dream, 1995, from Quasimodal Chorus
- Star Crossed
- Stars
- Priscilla Herdman, Anne Hills, and Cindy Mangsen, Voices, 1990, from Flying Fish
- Suite July
- Summer Solstice
- Tell the News!
- Mid Coast Consort, In Concert with the Calderwood Consort, Christmas 1986, 1986, from Mid Coast Consort, ME
- Thad and Cleona
- To Cyrano
- Gordon Bok, Gatherings, 1989, from Timberhead Music, Camden, ME
- The Together Song
- Maine Humanities Council, Born to Read, Peaceable Stories, 2008, from Maine Humanities Council, Portland, ME
- Quasimodal Chorus, So Bravely Dream, 1995, from Quasimodal Chorus
- Wild Birds
- Gordon Bok, Ann Mayo Muir, and Ed Trickett, And So Will We Yet, 1990, from Timberhead Music, Camden, ME
- Laura Lind and Adam Miller, Wild Birds, 2001, from Laura Lind Music
.. if you know of others .. let me know and I'll add them to this page!